The Future Of Video Game Disclaimers

A new Wolfenstein game was announced not long ago. Wolfenstein: A New Order features an alternate timeline where the Nazis won World War II, build an army of super robots and continue to become übervillains, or something like that. On a more interesting note, you may have heard that Bethesda Softworks the publishers of the game recently took the amazing step of sending out a disclaimer to the press just clarifying that they don’t agree with the things that the Nazis did. Glad they cleared that up. Here i was thinking all of those guys where sitting around waiting for the days of the fourth reich.

A hilarious case of overcautiousness? Publishers thinking the press and subsequently all the future players of their game are morons who can’t tell the difference between fiction and reality? I assumed that this was just a one-off case. To my surprise, i started getting some more press material from other companies who had also felt the need to clarify a position that no one ever had questioned.

The first one i got was from SouthPeak. Telling me that all future versions of My Baby Girl will be printed with the following disclaimer on the box;
My Baby Girl
Quantic Dream are apparently set to release a patch immediately that will display a message on screen every time the theme of crimes against children comes up in conversation.

Heavy Rain

Rockstar games have just announced that every single copy of GTAV will come bundled with a dictionary that comes with the insert for “Fiction” already highlighted.

GTAV: Dictionary Edition
These disclaimers cannot come soon enough, I think. How else will I know that what I’m playing isn’t a direct representation of the practices and beliefs at the companies themselves? Sure, you may think it’s a little insulting that these companies think you’re a fucking idiot. But it’s a small price to pay so Bethesda can make sure you know they’re not Nazis.

[EDITOR’S NOTE:  It should be noted that despite the content, the author of this article in no-way encourages the use of sarcastic disclaimers in video games or information released to the press. Any link readers find between this article and the use of such disclaimers is entirely coincidental]

Mortal Kombat: Australian Edition

Shortly after Mortal Kombat was banned in Australia, i jokingly made an “Australian edition” that would pass our outdated classification laws and be released in the motherland.  It was picked up by Mark Serrels and ran on Kotaku Australia that same day and then onto about 20 other various sites.

Seeing as MK has just been released in Australia (Sadly without my suggestions to the content) i thought i’d repost this here. Usually i would hate having my articles made redundant by the video game landscape, but i’ll let this one slide.

Mortal Kombat: Australian Edition
This game is worth playing. I know the MK series had been terrible in the past. But this game is the best example of a late series revival that i know of. If you don’t own it, you’re just Un-Australian.

This Is What The Madden Games Will Look Like 146 Years From Now

As an Australian guy who has zero understanding of American Football beyond reading the rules page on Wikipedia about an hour ago, I’m practically overqualified to make recommendations on the direction of one of the most successful sports gaming franchises of all time. Here is Madden 2159. Or as i like to call it, the best Madden game ever.

Madden 2159 is the only logical destination for this series. This box art should explain the general idea that I think this series needs to go in.

Madden 2159 Boxart


T-101 provides expert robot commentary

Pictured: Jim Nantz wandering what the fuck is going on

Humans will still play football with the master race of robots, but only because of ridiculous EEO laws that robots cannot seem to remove due to their unwavering moral compass when it comes to employment. You can see in this screenshot below a player who is about to score a touchdown before he was tackled and his spine shattered.


Amazingly, EA are yet to contact me about turning this into a real game. Get ahead of the game, EA. We’ll all make billions!

Until next time,
Dr Ruffle B. Berg
Professional time machine enthusiast | Looking for Sarah Connor

Review: Syndicate vs A Sandwich

About 2 weeks ago a listing error on a primarily book selling website briefly put the FPS reboot of Syndicate up for sale for $6.80. I was one of the very few who got a copy before it reverted to its original price. Coincidentally, I spend about the same on my lunch at work every day. So, did this reboot of Syndicate give me as much enjoyment as my lunch would have given me? Let’s find out…

This fucking game...

There you have it. My lunch wins. Seriously, this game was a special find of awful. Statistically speaking, you’re more likely to accidentally get some aspect of your game right. It takes real effort to fuck 100% of it up. Don’t buy this. Not even for $6.80.

[UPDATE] Oculus Rift Box Art + New Game Details Revealed

It seems like such a myth, doesn’t it? A virtual reality gaming headset. Something you only see in bad 80s movies and gadget concept art. Well, that myth is fast becoming a reality because i experienced today what  real life virtual reality gaming is like. The guys from Oculus VR, the makers of the much talked about Oculus Rift gaming platform recently gave me a chance to be the first to test out some games on their new machine.

In-case you have no idea what i’m talking about, the Oculus Rift is a virtual reality display that goes on your head and tracks your head placement and translates this into in-game movements. You can see a picture distributed to the press below.


I was lucky enough to have a few hours with the console and tested out some of the new games that will be launch titles for the machine when released. How did everything go? Well…

                                                                                          Tennis Spectator
I’m not the biggest enthusiast when it comes to sports games so I was a little hesitant at first. But only 10 minutes in and I found myself in the groove turning my head left and right to follow the on-screen action. I was amazed at the realism. While watching a 6 hour match between Nadal and Ferrer, I spent entire in-game minutes checking my twitter and playing games on my phone occasionally watching the game and thinking of a funny thing to yell out in between points. I felt like I was really there in that seat at Wimbledon. And then i felt really, really bored. No tennis game has ever done that before. Well done Acclaim.

“The Oculus Rift is really blurring the line between a video game and the monotony of your everyday life”
~ Yolo Swagstrrøm
Gaming and Tech Editor | The Norwegian Press

                                                                                      Neck Pain Simulator 2013
ImageNeck Pain Simulator 2013 is more of a story driven game. You play as a man who while trying to win some brownie points from his attractive neighbour by fixing her roof falls off a ladder and hurts his neck. The game that follows is the 28 week rehab where you must stretch your neck for 10 minutes every morning before going to work. The immersion is truly a thing to behold. When the character was moving his neck to one side, it felt like I was doing the same! How the hell did this game manipulate my emotions like this? I was playing a pre-alpha, but it shows real promise.

Overall, I’ve been very impressed with the machine itself and the games it plays. I don’t know if this will be the game changer that makes the entire industry rethink everything it does. But it sure was a hell of a lot of fun to play. Keep your eye on this one.

I’ve been advised by my legal team that I am required to point out that playing the Oculus Rift for more than 3 hours at a time can lead to things such as eye strain, headaches, hyperintelligence, telekinesis, a complete loss of your sense of reality and a strong desire to assimilate into a computer.

How To Write Every Minecraft Article Ever

I know everyone does those “How to be a game journalist” type posts. But every single one that I’ve read has been total nonsense. Practice writing? Have something interesting to say? What kind of dime store garbage advice is that? It’s about time that someone wrote the definitive how-to on game journalism that was filed with actual useful information. And as an auto industry executive that has never worked a day in any kind of journalism, i think I’m qualified to be writing it.

No way could I fit everything about being the best game journalist ever into one post. So this will be a series. Today we are going to focus on what is called by some the be the bread and butter of story writing. Minecraft.

Before we start, you’ll need two things to be able to write all the Minecraft articles ever.
1. Some Scissors
2. A Tophat

Firstly, copy those few sentences of text below into a word document. Then print out all the handy tables and cut them up using the cutting guides. Put all the slips of paper into a tophat and pick one of each colour out at random. Just write what is on that bit of paper where indicated in the text and you’re done.

“Well it was only a matter of time before someone made a (Green paper slip) Minecraft version of (Red paper slip). But this is no ordinary attempt at (Red paper slip). The creation is getting a lot of attention on the internet because (Blue paper slip). What do you guys think? Awesome or waste of time?

<Video or Photos>”




And there you have it. You’ll have front page worthy Minecraft articles for the rest of your life. Welcome to game journalism.

Until next time,
Dr Ruffle B. Berg
Connoisseur of video games & professional banjo player

Review: Tomb Raider

Tomb Raider will always hold a special place in my heart. When I was about 10 I broke my arm and spent a little bit of time in the hospital getting it all sorted, as a sort of “Sucks that your arm broke” present, my dad got me the original Tomb Raider and I’ve been a fan (Sort of) ever since (Kinda) So how did this reboot hold up? Meh, it had its moments.

I know Tomb Raider as that series that was really awesome from the starting gun and has gotten progressively worse with every single instalment. This latest Tomb Raider game I had seen almost zero press for and besides that literal clusterfuck of opinions about that scene where Lara almost apparently gets raped (Spoilers: No she doesn’t) I had no idea what I was getting into.

Character development is key

Character development is key

The game starts off well enough, after your ship crashes on a mysterious island, scattering your crew and leaving you stranded with no gear. You slowly have to gather equipment and food for survival while making your way back to the others and making sense of where the hell you are. The first few hours really are the best this game has to offer, they are brilliantly paced as you’ll spend time exploring the island, fighting the occasional generic bad guy and uncovering what is the start of the mystery of the island. Unfortunately it all starts going downhill and fast.

It’s almost like the developers ran out of faith in their own product about 5 hours in. Before you know it you’ll just be going from gunfight to gunfight, fighting wave after wave of cannon fodder. It’s good that they want to add a little action to this series. But this is ridiculous. It got so tedious towards the end that i was actually swearing at the TV whenever i had to spend the next half an hour doing the exact same thing I’d 15 times in a row.

How do these gunfights play? Ever played Uncharted? Well, pretty much that.

I swear, Lara could get off this island by building a bridge of the bodies of people she’s killed. I seem to remember the original Tomb Raider having a great sense of action and it only had 4 people to kill across the entire game. This reboot doesn’t achieve that with hundreds of enemies. What’s hilarious is that it tries to portray one of the generic enemies as the leader of the pack by virtue of the fact that he has a beard. That’s their idea of character development. Having a beard.

No replay value

No replay value

The first time Lara kills someone they play it off as a huge moral breakdown, Lara can hardly believe how easy it was to kill someone. I was thinking they would be setting up Lara to become a cold blooded killer Jason Brody style. But no, it’s never mentioned again and she seems to have no moral qualms about mowing down the entire population after that.

Maybe all this is why I liked the early sections of the game so much? The game was too busy trying to explain the mechanics of the game and telling a story that it wasn’t trying to be the same 3rd person shooter you’ve played so many times. And I like that. The game needed more moments where it allows the player to just explore the island and raid tombs and take in the scenery. It’s a shame once that’s all done, you’ll be playing a boring game right till the end.

Lara has an entourage of people with her but I can’t remember any of their names or what they did. Actually I get the feeling their only purpose was to pad out the skin options in multiplayer. That would certainly explain why they are so badly written and their being in the game feels like an absolute afterthought. It’s not all bad, that nerdy stereotype character has some funny shirts. So there is that.

Something about story?

Something about story?

The game also has a feature it calls “Survival vision” where pressing a button will light up important items and enemies in your area. Is Eidos asking that this feature come as standard? Because it’s showing up in a lot of their games. Regardless, it’s done very well here. It’s not so useful “Detective Vision” style that you’ll leave it on all the time and the entire game’s art direction goes out the window. And it’s not useless enough that you use it once in the tutorial and never again.

The story isn’t particularly interesting, but I think it fits. It boils down to this; Lara goes to mysterious island, island is not all that it seems, weird shit starts happening. The mysterious island hiding a dark secret has been done to death but It’s the exact kind of story this game needs. An easy to digest non-confusing  adventure you’d expect to find in a cheap paperback novel in the bargain bin. Just don’t start looking for any kind of logic on this island, you’ll give yourself a nosebleed. If you’ve been paying any attention whatsoever you’ll figure out exactly what’s going to happen within the first 2 hours, I know I did. The story isn’t played out for some shocking twist ending and that’s why it’s so strange that Lara as a character is so slow to put the pieces together. Her inner monologue will be coming to realisations that I made hours ago. It feels weird and it makes Lara come off as really stupid.

Gets boring pretty quickly

Gets boring pretty quickly

Is it too much to ask that Tomb Raider be about you know…raiding tombs? The optional “puzzle” tombs were the most enjoyable part of the game. I put puzzle in quotation marks because they are so mind numbingly easy as well as being very few and far between that you’ll breeze through them in minutes. Not a single one was challenging even in the slightest. Still, it was nice to see some old school platforming. That being said, they feel more like token gesture to the fans than any game defining feature. This game isn’t a puzzle platformer. It isn’t even trying to be.

What’s that you say, multiplayer? I played a few games. It’s the exact same thing you’ve seen in about 50 other games. You’ll grind XP to unlock weapons to change your loadout. You’ll choose from the standard match types like deathmatch and free-for-all. You’ll run into people as soon as you spawn and run the same loop of map over and over ad nauseam because the maps are too small. And you’ll know within the first game if the MP is for you. Or if you’re like me, you’ll play it for about an hour and forget it ever existed. And judging by the length of time it took me to get a game, I’m thinking most people are.

Is this what Tomb Raider has become, a series that is content playing second banana to the Uncharted series? I get the feeling that’s what it took to convince Square to throw their money at turning this series into a triple A game. I couldn’t blame, this series was a dud and taking notes and towards the end just lifting entire sections directly from U3 seems logical. But who cares, right? The next TR game will undoubtedly be next gen and then maybe it’ll try some new things. Maybe Lara in a bikini and riding a motorcycle, how awesome would that be?

Fuck Yeah!

Due to recent cutbacks at Square my review copy arrived before my bribe money did. So I give this game a 6/10

Until next time,
Dr Ruffle B. Berg

Review: Omerta – City of Gangsters

I was totally looking forward to playing what was described to me as XCOM meets that ridiculous gangster from the first and second Home Alone films. Could this finally be the authentic old timey gangster experience that so many other games had tried and failed to deliver? Well, i guess we’ll never know because upon opening the game i was prompted to create an account before i could play.

Why don’t i just cut out the middle man and i give my account details to Russian hackers? We all know that’s where they’ll inevitably end up when this company lose all their player’s details.

So, with that in mind i guess all i can review is this static intro screen of what looks to be a nondescript Italian country town. Could be better, i suppose. I give it 2 Italian stereotypes in fedoras out of 10. This won’t be remembered as one of the greats in the static screen of an Italian town genre.